Are you ready to enhance your mental, emotional, and physical resilence?

Hell yeah! Grab a copy of my FREE How To Microdose in 3 Simple Steps Guide to clear brain fog, reclaim your focus, boost your mood, and eliminate depression at its source!

Hey there, my name is Onjae (on-jay).

I’m brain health and microdose coach fueled by a passion for reaching peak health performance. Having overcome a chronic illness that devastated my cognitive function and led to the loss of a hard-built business, I dedicated myself to reclaiming my health and life. Now, I’m here to help you do the same!

I specialize in microdosing, nootropics, and biohacking, helping entrepreneurs and high-performing professionals enhance cognition, focus, creativity, and stress resilience. My approach centers on addressing the individual, rather than the “one-size-fits-all” dogma.

When I’m not helping my clients level up their brain health, you can find me conducting my own biohacking experiments (sometimes questionable), shredding on my skateboard, and foraging for medicinal herbs and wild foods. I look forward to connecting with you and helping you make a greater impact in your life (and feel damn good doing it)!


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